When you hit certain gaming milestones on the Xbox Series X|S, you’ll see achievement labels on the screen. If you find these notifications distracting, you can turn them off. Here’s how.

By default, Xbox achievements appear in the center of the lower half of the screen, right on top of subtitles or the heads-up display in various games. There are two ways to solve this problem: Turn off notifications completely or change the position of game achievement alerts.

How to Turn Off Game Achievement Notifications on Xbox Series X|S

Xbox Series X|S game achievement notifications are easy to turn off. To do so, navigate to your Xbox home screen and select “Settings,” which has a gear icon.

If you can’t find settings on the Xbox Series X|S dashboard, press the Xbox button on your controller once to open the sidebar.

Press the RB button on your Xbox controller until you reach the last tab in the sidebar, which is called “Profile & System.”

Scroll down and open “Settings” in the “Profile & System” tab in the Xbox sidebar.

Once you’ve opened the Xbox Series X|S settings, navigate to the “Preferences” tab in the left pane.

You can toggle game achievement notification settings by going to “Notifications” under the “Preferences” tab.

When you’re on the Notifications settings page, there are a couple of ways to turn off game achievement notifications. To disable all notifications banners on Xbox (This includes screenshot notifications and everything else.), you can uncheck “Notification Banners On.”

If you’d rather not turn off all notifications on Xbox Series X|S, there’s a way to specifically hide game achievement notifications. In the notification settings page on your Xbox, select “Xbox Notifications.”

Under the “Xbox Notifications” page in Xbox settings, open “Achievements.” This will open the Achievement Notifications preferences page.

To hide all game achievement notifications on your Xbox Series X|S, uncheck “Achievement Notifications On” on the Achievement Notifications settings page.

After that, exit Settings, and you’re good to go.

How to Change the Position of Game Achievement Notifications on Xbox Series X|S

If you like seeing game achievement alerts on your Xbox Series X|S, but you don’t like their position, you can change that easily. To get started, power up your Xbox and navigate to Settings > Preferences > Notifications on your Xbox Series X|S.

On the “Notifications” settings page, select “Default Notification Position.”

The “Default Notification Position” preferences page divides your display into nine panes, of which six can be selected. You can’t place the notification banners in the middle of the screen, but the three panes at the top and the three at the bottom are available to you.

Select one of these panes, which appear on the right side of the display. You can see a preview of a notification on the blurred image to the left of this settings page.

Once you’ve changed the default notification position, select “Done” to apply the changes.

The only caveat of this method is that some games might choose to alter the position of Xbox game achievements no matter what position you choose. However, in our experience, you won’t have that issue with most games.

Since you’ve customized notifications on your Xbox Series X|S, you might also enjoy personalizing the look and feel of your Xbox. Happy gaming!

RELATED: How to Customize the Look and Feel of Your Xbox Series X or S