The Roku Channel Store offers hundreds of video sources, not to mention the hidden channels you can find around the web. Keep adding things, and eventually you’ll have way more channels than you can navigate quickly. Isn’t there some way to move your favorites, like Netflix and PBS, toward the top?
As it turns out, there is. I don’t blame you if you haven’t discovered it yet, though: it’s somewhat buried. First, navigate to the channel that you’d like to move.
Once the channel you want to move is selected, hit the * button on your remote. This will bring up a window that looks like this:
Select “Move Channel” and you’ll see arrows around the channel that you’re moving.
You can now move the channel wherever your like using your arrow keys; the channels surrounding it will move to make room.
Repeat this process until all of your channels are in the perfect order. If you’re like me, arranging things so that they’re just right will take a while, but it’s worth it. Enjoy, you neat freak you.